Take Control of Your Future: A Free Lunch & Learn with Mannor Law Group & Jewish Senior Life.
Mannor Law Group and Jewish Senior Life invite you to a special Lunch & Learn session focused on the importance of having the right legal powers in place to protect yourself and your loved ones.
What You’ll Learn:
- Who can make decisions if you can’t?
- How Powers of Attorney help you stay in control
- The role of a Patient Advocate in your healthcare
- What happens when no POA is in place
- Avoiding abuse, exploitation, and family conflicts
- Understanding a DNR and Michigan’s legal landscape
- Why reviewing your legal paperwork is crucial
- Ensuring your wishes are legally honored
Presented by:
- Robert D. Mannor, CELA, CD – Certified Elder Law Attorney
- Danielle Chwalibog, MSW – Care Navigator
This event is free to attend, but space is limited. Please RSVP by calling 248.592.1146 (TTY #711) or emailing aschulz@jslmi.org. This session will provide essential legal knowledge to help individuals and families make informed decisions about the future. We hope to see you there.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Meer Independent Living 6760 West Maple Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322Visit our Facebook Event here.
Creating Your Estate Plan
It’s a topic people tend to put off or ignore, but one of the most important things you can do is develop a sound plan for your estate. Doing so lets you take a giant step toward a more secure future for yourself and generations to come.
Attend our Creating Your Estate Plan presentation and you’ll learn more about:
What to consider when creating your will
The benefits of trusts in estate planning
How to help reduce taxes on your estate
How insurance can help protect your family
Presented by:
- Robert D. Mannor, CELA, CD – Certified Elder Law Attorney
- Mike Johnson – Financial Advisor
We hope you and a guest will join us. Please call Julie Eddings at 810-222-1142 or email jeddings@hamburg.mi.us by 04/15/2025.
Wednesday April 16th, 2025 11:00 AM Hamburg Senior Center 10407 Merrill Rd. Hamburg, MI 48139Visit our Facebook Event here.
11th Annual Elder Advocacy & Law Boot Camp
Join Us for the 11th Annual Elder Advocacy & Law Boot Camp – The Premier Event for Elder Care Professionals!
Are you ready to elevate your expertise, expand your network, and stay at the forefront of elder care and elder law? The 11th Annual Elder Advocacy & Law Boot Camp is the must-attend event for social workers, nursing home administrators, case managers, certified senior advisors, financial advisors, and any professional dedicated to serving older adults.
Why Attend?
- 5 CEUs Applied For – Social Workers, Nursing Home Administrators, Case Managers, and Certified Senior Advisors
- Exclusive Insights – Learn from top experts in elder law and aging services
- Powerful Networking – Connect with like-minded professionals who share your passion for elder care
- Upscale Experience – Enjoy a full day with a delicious breakfast, gourmet coffee, lunch, and snacks
Take Advantage of Early Bird Pricing!
- Early Bird Tickets: $60 (Limited Time)
- Regular Price: $75
- Group Discount: Buy 4, Get the 5th Free – Invest in your team and bring your staff
Don't miss your chance to gain valuable knowledge, meet industry leaders, and enhance your ability to serve the aging community. Secure your spot today!
Friday, May 9, 2025 Registration & Breakfast: 7:30 AM Event Begins: 8:00 AM Genesys Conference & Banquet Center Grand Blanc, MI or Attend OnlineRegister here or visit our Facebook Event.
Planning For The Second Half Of Life - 9 Things You Must Know
The last three years have shown us how quickly everything can change. Peace of mind is possible, especially if you plan for it.
This free workshop helps Michigan families begin preparing for what happens before and after retirement and what planning mistakes you should avoid before it’s too late.
Planning for the Second Half of Life: 9 Things You Must Know will address a variety of topics, including:
- Paying for long-term care without having your life savings wiped out by nursing home spend-down and how to protect your spouse from being left impoverished
- How these economic and political times make it imperative that you plan to protect yourself and your spouse
- The implications of the Affordable Care Act on your long-term care planning
- What estate planning documents are essential to protect yourself and your family
- A live Q&A session with Mr. Mannor where attendees can ask important questions and learn more about safe legal planning
Please call us to RSVP.​