Do you really know the difference between a Will and a Trust?
It’s safe to say a large portion of the American adult population would not be able to confidently answer that question. Can you?
In this live #WebinarWednesday replay, Estate Planning & Elder Law Attorney Bob Mannor is taking it back to the Estate Planning basics with “Wills & Trusts 101.”
This webinar will explore the most basic documents that should be included in your estate plan and why.
Learn Estate Planning Basics Like:
What documents should I have while I’m alive?
What documents should I prepare for when I die to make things easier on my family?
Is a Power of Attorney valid after death?
Is it okay to add my children’s names to my accounts?
What’s the difference between a Guardianship and a Conservatorship?
Why can’t I just use a ladybird deed or a quit claim deed?
Do I need a Will even if I’m not wealthy?
Are your “Basics” Covered?
When you’ve gotten your Estate Planning basics planned, prepared, and signed – the peace of mind is incredible. Life is complicated. Protecting yourself and your loved ones shouldn’t be. To discuss your planning, contact us today.